Samhain Celebrating Witch's New Year 10/31 5pm

Samhain Celebrating Witch's New Year 10/31 5pm

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Main Pagan Sabbats, holidays, revere and acknowledge the changing cycles of Nature as seen in the Sun as symbol of the God. This is when we honor and say farewell to th God temporarily  as He prepares to be reborn by Goddess at Yule (Winter Solstice).

Celebrating the Witches' New Year

 Samhain presents us with the opportunity to once more celebrate the cycle of death and rebirth. For many Pagan traditions, Samhain is Pagan New Year and is a time to reconnect with our ancestors, and honor those who have died. This is the time when the veil between our world and the spirit realm is thin, so it's the perfect time of year to make contact with the dead. 

In this celebration, we will work with the elements of Nature and The Moon for Ritual by connecting with  your Spirit Animal Guide ready to begin working with you as well as honor your Ancestors. There are different types of ancestors, and which ones you choose to include are up to you. There are our blood ancestors, who are the people from whom we directly descend—parents, grandparents, etc. There are also archetypical ancestors, who represent the place that our clan and family came from. Some people also choose to honor the ancestors of the land—the spirits of the place you are now—as a way of thanking them. Finally, there are our spiritual ancestors—those who we may not be tied to by blood or marriage, but who we claim as family nonetheless from cultural, mythos that we feel a strong residence with (Egyptian, Greek, etc).

Samhain Celebration Includes:
  • Shamanic Meditation Journey to Connect with Spirit Animal Guide, learn about Spirit Animals and how they can support you in your life
  • perform ritual to honor Ancestors
  • Build community Altar
What to Bring: 
  • Journal + pen
  • Blanket
  • bottle of water
  • comfortable clothing
  • For the altar bring items that represent Animal Guides, represent Fall, items/photos that represent Spiritual Ancestors
  • colors for altar/dress in: orange, black , gold, yellow, silver, white, purple

Join us for Samhain, Halloween Community Potluck and Feast held by Majix Dragon!
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